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Funding Notice of 114 National Cheng Kung University International Academic Conferences

Funding Notice of 114 National Cheng Kung University International Academic Conferences

1.To encourage various units within our university to organize international academic conferences, thereby enhancing our institution's international exchange, influence, and research capabilities.

2.Qualifications: To be eligible, applicants must satisfy one of the following requirements: (1)Tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the rank of assistant professor, assistant researcher, or equivalent.
(2)Tenured or tenure-track clinical faculty members with a primary appointment at the university-affiliated medical center, holding the rank of assistant professor or higher.
(3)Non-tenured international scholars recruited by the university, including short-term visiting Yushan Scholars or other distinguished international scholars of comparable standing. Such scholars are required to hold an appointment at the university for a minimum period of three months during the academic year.

3.Subsidized Projects:
(1)International conferences of a large scale, authorized or co-organized by an intercontinental international academic organization. Official authorization or an invitation to host from the organization is required.
(2)International academic conferences officially sanctioned by an intercontinental or regional international academic society for hosting in our country. A formal letter of endorsement or relevant documentation from the society is required.
(3)International academic conferences sanctioned by a domestic academic society. Official authorization or an invitation to host from the society is required. (4)Self-organized international academic conference.
A.Funding is only available for annual conferences organized by the academic society that incorporate an international academic component. Applications without an international dimension will not be funded.
B.Funding is not available for activities that fall under the categories of results dissemination, workshops, arts and cultural performances, music performances, participation in international festivals, or international skills competitions.

4.Funding guidelines:
(1)The applicant is required to hold the position of conference organizer or (co-)chair of the conference.
(2)The National Cheng Kung University logo shall be prominently displayed on all public materials, such as the conference website and posters.
(3)To qualify as an international academic conference, there must be a public call for papers and a rigorous peer review process. Additionally, the conference must have participants from at least three different countries (including Taiwan). For the purpose of this requirement, participants from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau will be considered as representatives of a single country.
(4)Foreign speakers should account for at least one-quarter of all invited speakers at the conference. For the purpose of this announcement, speakers refer to plenary/keynote speakers and invited speakers/guest speakers.
(5)Foreign participants who are faculty, staff, or students of this institution shall not be included in the calculation of the required number of countries.
(6)The conference theme must be closely tied to the university's five strategic priorities: intelligent environmental control, humanistic values, health and well-being, net-zero carbon emissions, and disaster resilience, in conjunction with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
(7)The organization of the international academic conference and the involvement of domestic academic institutions should have a national scope.
(8)The conference, which is independently organized, shall be primarily funded by the organizing unit. If there is a funding shortfall, an application may be submitted to the university in accordance with this announcement.
(9) For conferences of the same nature, each unit is generally eligible for only one subsidy within the same fiscal year.

5.Application process:
(1)The application period for conference funding is from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.
(2)Deadline for submission: Before 12:00 noon, Friday, February 14, 2025.
(3) Fill in the online form(https://forms.gle/Qh4uAGmCNSbcH1ao9)and upload the relevant files within the deadline.

6.Evaluation criteria: (1)The proposal will be evaluated based on the conference category, its alignment with the university's development and sustainable development goals, its potential contribution to enhancing domestic academic research standards, promoting scientific research, and facilitating international exchange, as well as the comprehensiveness and thoroughness of the proposal content. The decision on whether to provide funding and the amount of funding will be made based on this evaluation. (2)The maximum amount of funding that may be awarded for each proposal is NT$300,000, subject to the results of the review. 7.Fund: (1)The funding for this subsidy will be allocated from the Ministry of Education's project budget, subject to annual budget review and adjustment. The Ministry reserves the right to suspend this subsidy in full or in part, depending on the availability of funds.
(2)The subsidy period is on an annual basis. The reimbursement of funds shall be subject to the University’s accounting regulations, the “Principles for the Use of Funds in the Higher Education Deepening Project,” the “Management Guidelines for Various Meetings, Training Sessions, and Seminars Organized by the Ministry of Education and Its Affiliated Institutions,” and the annual “Notes on Fund Execution” issued by the Higher Education Deepening Office.

8.Grantees are required to submit a final report to the Research and Development Office no later than two months after the conclusion of the event.

9.Required documents:
(1)The application form and self-evaluation form are attached as Attachment 1.
(2)The outline for the conference proposal is attached as Attachment 2.
(3)Authorization letter/Letter of approval/Invitation letter from an international/domestic academic organization.

10. Additional notes: This announcement is subject to change. Any amendments or supplements will be notified separately. The official version of this announcement shall be that published on this website.

ORD dept. Ms. Hsu, Ext:50914

1. The application form and self-evaluation form
The outline for the conference proposal
Funding notice of the conference proposal
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