



主講|Gyari Dolma (Kalon of Security Department, Central Tibetan Administration)

與談|游素玲 (Professor, FLLD, NCKU)、Dolma Tsering (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CHASS, NCKU)





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人文社會科學中心和性別與婦女研究中心邀請藏人行政中央安全部部長嘉日卓瑪(Gyari Dolma),於3月8日國際婦女節當天,與我們分享藏人抗暴運動中的女性經驗。






Kalon (Minister) Gyari Dolma

Kalon Gyari Dolma is currently serving as minister of security, the Central Tibetan Administration which was previously known as the Tibetan government in exile. From 2011– 2016, she served as Minster of Home in the 14th Kashag (executive body) of the exile government. At the age of 26, she became the youngest Tibetan to be elected as member of the parliament in exile. She also served as the deputy speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, the highest position held by a Tibetan woman in the history of Tibet. In 2011, she became the first women to join the race for presidential election of the exile government. 

Kalon Gyari Dolma is also well known for her grass root activism focuses on women rights, human rights in Tibet and promotion of gender equality. She served as one of the the executive members of the Tibetan Youth Congress and also an advisor to Tibetan Women Association in Dharamshala.


Women’s Voice in Sensitive March: Role of Women in the Tibetan Resistance Movement

The month of March is observed as a “sensitive march” in the history of the China-Tibet conflict. On March 10th, 1959, Tibetan across the plateau revolted against the Chinese military infiltration in Tibet. After People's Liberation Army suppressed the first revolt, on March 12, Tibetan women launched the second protest to safeguard the sovereignty of Tibet. The military might of Communist China successfully suppressed these two protests and forced many Tibetan to flee Tibet and seek refuge in India. 

The 1959 uprising was not the first time, Tibetan women had been in the frontline of the resistance movement. When China started the invasion of Tibet from eastern Tibet, the women in eastern Tibet were forced to take an arm and led the battle against China. The growing volatile situation in Tibet also led to the formation of the first women association called the Tibetan women association that committed to equal responsibilities in the Tibetan resistance movement. After coming into exile, the role of women in the resistance movement expanded beyond political involvement. Women's leadership in providing education for children, preservation of culture plays a pivotal role in the strengthening Tibetan resistance movement. 

However, this does not ignore the fact that even though women had played an equally important role in the resistance movement, their contribution has frequently experienced negligence in the public discourse. The exile Tibetan society is not different from many male-dominated societies, where women face the same challenge of maintaining a balance between household and leadership commitment. 

In this talk, we invite Kalon (minster) Gyari Dolma whose involvement in the Tibetan resistance dated back to 1950 when her grandmother led the battle against the Chinese invasion. She is associated with the resistance movement in different capacities as highlighted in her short introduction. 



10:20-10:40 入場簽到
10:40-10:50 開場致詞
Opening Remarks
  • 成功大學 陳玉女副校長

    Dr. Yuh-Neu Chen, Vice President of NCKU
  • 成大性別與婦女研究中心 蔡幸娟主任

    Dr. Hsing-Chuan Tsai, Director of Center for Gender and Women Studies
10:50-11:20 主講
Keynote Presenter
  • 藏人行政中央安全部部長 嘉日卓瑪(Gyari Dolma)
    Kalon (Minister) Gyari Dolma,  Minister of Security, Central Tibetan Administration
11:20-11:40 學者對談
  • NCKU 90 and Beyond 國際學人 卓瑪慈仁(Dolma Tsering)
    Dolma Tsering, Ph.D from East Asia Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  • 成功大學外國語文學系 游素玲教授
    Dr. Su-Lin Yu, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
11:40-12:00 問答時間


